The Cathar Castles
The expression "Castles of the Cathar Country" refers to a group of castles located in an area where Catharism has developed. However, most of the castles called "Cathares" have no connection with the history of the dual heresy of the twelfth century in Occitania.
"Châteaux Cathares" is a designation used by contemporary tourism (like the Pays Cathare trademark) to arbitrarily designate the series of fortresses built by the King of France on the southern border of its estates at the end Of the crusade against the Albigenses. Some of these sites had known, before the royal period, a village habitat of the castral type likely to have sheltered Cathars, razed during the erection of the citadels.
More strictly, it would be necessary to speak of castles of the Cathar Country.
To name a few:
Castle of Aguilar
Castle of Peyrepertuse
Castle of Puilaurens
Castle of Quéribus
Castle of Termes ...
(Source Wikipedia).
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